Thursday, September 6, 2007


I thought after the concert surprise
we wouldn't have any surprises for a while longer

.....well ........ I was wrong!

A week or so after the 311 concert, and to our great surprise,
we found out that 8 months later we would grow from a family of 2 to 3!

We were Pregnant
and due ironically on 3/11!

On the morning of March 7th we made our way to the hospital to welcome in our new addition.

Giving birth for the first time comes to a shock for most! Nothing can prepare you for what is about to happen!!!! During that crazy morning of pain and unfamiliarity we could not resist the perfect photo op to lighten our spirits and keep us going!

After 14 long hours of labor and 3 longer hours of pushing,
our baby finally joined the party.....
kicking and screaming the whole way of course!

Weighing 9lb 2oz & being 20 1/2 in long
it's no wonder it took that long!!!!!

He gave us a great performance here!

Probably from all the singing mom did the previous 9 months!

Congratulations!!! You're a DAD!!!!!

A much needed, and well deserved rest for mom and baby!

1 comment:

mann fam said...

Hi Meg! This picture brought tears to my eye the second I saw it. Such a precious picture!! We love you guys!